Master’s Degrees
Bridges Christian College & Seminary offers 4 fully accredited master’s degrees that are completely online and debt-free! Students can complete the degree anywhere they have internet and are connected to a local church. Finally, students can attend classes live online (synchronous) or watch the recorded lecture later (asynchronous). All students must participate in a weekly discussion forum.
Thanks to our amazing donors, students only pay $500 per trimester for our master’s degrees, no matter how many classes one takes! That is only $1500 per year!
You can apply for our master’s degrees at the following link: Application Link.
Look below to view each of the master’s degree options.
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
- The Master of Arts in Biblical Studies is 36 semester hours.
- The program may be completed in 2 years.
- This program is designed for those desiring to become a minister or Bible college instructor.
- This program also matriculates into more advanced master’s degree programs at Bridges Christian College & Seminary.
- Click the link below for more details.
Master of Theological Studies
- The Master of Theological Studies degree is 75 semester hours.
- The program may be completed in 3 years.
- This program is designed for those desiring to become a minister, biblical scholar, Bible college instructor, or academic writer.
- This program also prepares the student to pursue a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies or Theology upon completion of the M.T.S.
- Click the link below for more details.
Master of Divinity
- The Master of Divinity degree is 72 semester hours.
- The program may be completed in 3 years.
- This program is designed for those desiring to become a minister, chaplain, or Bible college instructor.
- This program also prepares the student to pursue a Doctor of Ministry degree upon completion of the M.Div.
- Students who have successfully completed the MA in Biblical Studies may transfer 36 hours into the MDiv program.
- Click the link below for more details.
Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling
- The Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling degree is 60 semester hours.
- The program may be completed in 3 years.
- This program is designed for those desiring to become more skilled as a minister in the area of pastoral counseling. Also, this program is for those desiring to become a Bible college instructor.
- Click the link below for more details.