DMin Student Learning Outcomes

Each program student learning outcome (PO) is supported by student learning outcome elements. The student learning outcome elements cover professional (P), affective (A), and cognitive (C) student learning outcomes.

  • (DMin PO 1): The student will demonstrate an original and unique contribution to Pentecostal ministry practices.
    • DMin 1 (A): The student will appreciate their unique ministry experience as they study.
    • DMin 1 (P): The student will compose a project showing an original contribution to Pentecostal ministry practices.
    • DMin 1 (C) The student will exhibit knowledge in the area of Pentecostal ministry through writing and research.
  • (DMin PO 2): The student will demonstrate the ability to critically think at a doctoral level.
    • DMin 2 (A) The student will demonstrate critical thinking at the doctoral level by appreciating quality approaches to research methodologies.
    • DMin 2 (P) The student will demonstrate critical thinking at the doctoral level by collecting and analyzing high quality research.
    • DMin 2 (C) The student will demonstrate critical thinking at the doctoral level by applying knowledge to practical ministry research.
  • (DMin PO 3): The student will demonstrate unique ministry knowledge rooted in a Pentecostal hermeneutic.
    • DMin 3 (A) The student will appreciate the Pentecostal hermeneutic in their written work.
    • DMin 3 (P) The student will exegete the Scriptures and apply the theological principle to a modern Pentecostal ministry context.
    • DMin 3 (C) The student will demonstrate knowledge of a Pentecostal hermeneutic.