Administrative Staff
Academics Department

Academics Department Head
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chair of the MTS Program
- Ph.D. in New Testament, B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary (2022)
- M.A. in Biblical Studies, Concentration in Biblical Languages, S.U.M. Bible College and Theological Seminary (2013)
- B.A. in Biblical Studies, S.U.M. Bible College and Theological Seminary (2011)
- Ordained in the Assemblies of God (2016)

Chair of Counseling Program
- Ph.D. in General Psychology: Cognition and Instruction, Grand Canyon University (2020)
- M.A. in Human Services (Marriage and Family), Liberty University (2013)
- M.A. in Religion, Liberty University (2011)

Chair of World Missions Program
- Ed.S. in Christian Education, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (1976)
- M.R.E., Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta University (1971)
- B.A. in Bible, Minor in Music, Southeastern University of the Assemblies of God (1969)
- Ordained in the Assemblies of God (1976)

Director of Library Information Services
- Master of Library & Information Science, Louisiana State University (2001)
- M.S.W., Tulane University (1995)
- B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Chemistry, Xavier University (1994)

Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- M.A., Bible and Theology, Southwestern Assemblies of God University (2022)
- B.A., Biblical Studies, Bridges Christian College & Seminary (2019)
Advancement/Admissions Department

Advancement Department Head
Vice President for College Advancement
- M.Div. in Spiritual Formation, Regent University (2023)
- B.A. in Biblical Studies, S.U.M. Bible College and Theological Seminary (2012)
- Ordained in the Assemblies of God (2019)

Director of Admissions
- B.A. in Biblical Studies, Bridges Christian College & Seminary (In Process)
- A.A. in Biblical Studies, S.U.M. Bible College and Theological Seminary (2003)

Director of Operations for Haiti
- Head Pastor, Cornerstone Church (Mandeville, LA)
- Ordained in the Assemblies of God (2000)

Director of Operations for Peru
- Missionary, Matthew 25 International
- Ordained in the Assemblies of God (2007)
General Business Department

Business Department Head
Vice President for Finance
- B.S. in Mathematics, Kansas University (2004)

Financial Aid Director
- M.A. in Christian Leadership, SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary (2016)
- M.A. in Pastoral Counseling, Bridges Christian College & Seminary (In Process)
- B.A. in Biblical Studies, SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary (2012)
- Ordained in the Assemblies of God (2023)

Administrative Assistant
- B.A. in Biblical Studies, Minor in Christian Counseling, Bridges Christian College & Seminary (In Process)